Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Field Trip!

Oliver's first "school field trip":

faces blurred for privacy... and because I don't want to post pictures of somebody else's baby without their express written consent...
and because my kid is the only one we're looking at anyway, to be honest.

while we're at it... let's just take away all distraction.

there. that's how I see it, anyway.


  1. Awww...sweet. Looks like the little man is aware that mom is taking his photo. I'm amused by his stare. It's like "oh! there's the camera!". :)

  2. OHMYDEARGAWD is this a hilarious post!! :):):)

  3. OMG lol on the blurs! He is so cute, and you're right - we don't care about the other kids anyway. ;)


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