Stretch marks: Nope.
Sleep: OMG Snoogle pillow = Best. Sleep. Ever.

Best moment this week: My doctor's appt. First the nurse tells me I haven't gained ANY weight this past month. Then, as we're listening to the heartbeat, I hear: whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh THUD whoosh whoosh. The nurse says "I heard a kick..." I say, "That IS what that was feeling! I didn't know for sure!"
Movement: YAY! Thanks for kicking the microphone, sweet pea!
Food cravings
Gender: GAH I don't know.
What I miss: NOT being treated like a human incubator. I was acutally called "the oven".
What I am looking forward to: Kicks vs. flutters. I'm sure I will regret saying this.
What I have learned: Lesson not completely learned yet, but I'm trying to get better at letting people's stupid comments roll off my back.
Milestones: Flutters...
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